Why you are not losing weight after Hard Workout?

You may have been really hard round the clock and may have given endless hours in the gym but still, the fat has not moved an inch. If this is the case then this article is for you and let me tell you are not killing your time at the gym but also taking the mental beating because there are no good results which you are seeing in your body.

I have searched out many reasons why people do not lose weight even after doing good and genuine workout and after that have jotted down top five reasons which are responsible why you were unable to melt that extra fat from your body.


1. Endless doing of low-intensity cardio workout

2. Eating anything after doing a hard workout in the Gym

3. The complete cut of curb, fat, and sugar from your meals
4. Less protein intake

5. Inconsistent workout routine

# Endless and continuous low-intensity workout does not melt your fat

You may be doing running on treadmills endlessly thinking that it will burn the calories as much as you want and it will melt the extra or unwanted fat but still not getting any desired results which you want to have from the workout. But trust me doing exercise at high intensity will make your body work harder and in the result, it will burn more calories.

When you do high intensity exercises your body takes itself to extreme levels so that the body does come back to its normal state and even after the workout is over it keeps burning the calories so it is much better than the lower intensity workout. Hence leave low-intensity workout and go for High-intensity cardio exercises to lose weight more quickly and better body and stamina.

# I can eat whatever I want after doing an intense and hard workout

Well, if you want to lose weight you cannot anything after doing a hard workout. I know that most of us think that we have already burnt so many calories so there is nothing in eating what you like but this should not be the case as it very simple logic that if you need to shed out those extra pounds then you should go for such type of food which is the calorie deficit.

Let me explain this with an example let us say that you have burned 500 calories by doing any physical workout maybe by going to gym or running, brisk walk or swimming and after that you go to some restaurant or to your home and eat food which have same number of calories of 500 which were burned or binge some junk food after a workout then this situation will not make you lose fat and not just this the strong effects will also not be there in your body for which you have done the exercise so eat fewer calories after the workout in order to make your body stronger and lose fat.

# No fat or sugar means no extra fat in your body

Fat and sugar are not for me as I am on diet. You have entirely skipped the sugar, fat and sometimes carbs from the meals will definitely makes you feel that you have shed the extra weight you are right but let me tell you that there are some side effects also like bod becomes weak, kills your endurance and becomes cranky. What I would suggest is that you should cut fat and sugar moderately and not entirely. There some good carbs like bananas, corn, brown bread which gives you more energy and on the same hand these will not make you fat.

# Very less protein intake

I know that protein intake has nothing to do with fat cutting scientifically but when you take it in the right quantity it will help you lose weight because when you want to lose weight it will make you feel full and do not feel hungry all the time.

Also, protein-rich diets will speed up your body metabolism which means more calories burning. So for vegetarians, they should look for more options of proteins which you can find in soya beans and other beans and for non veggies no need to say that where they will find the protein.

# Inconsistent workout

Skipped the workout and think that will cover up everything in the next workout by doing more exercise so try to be as regular as you can to lose the extra fat as it takes a lot of time to hard work to transform but it only takes only sometimes and food habits to make your body lose its shape so better be consistent in your gym or cardio routine.