Ten Reasons why you should drink warm water

Lukewarm water is considered good for health whether you drink it in summers or winters. It can drink in any season as the benefits of drinking it will remain the same only condition is that you should make it a regular habit.

Warm water is also considered as power remedy of nature because it helps to your body a lot in many ways as our body comprises fluid which is almost 70% of our body so we can also say that our body runs mostly on fluid or it is one of the essential need of the body which we should take care of.
You would be surprised to know how drinking warm have good effects on our body and impacts many body parts which include our digestive system, skin, reducing weight.

Ten benefits of drinking lukewarm water:

1. Reduces weight.
2. Increases immunity power.
3. Saves from infection.
4. Good for blood circulation.
5. It reduces tiredness.
6. Good for constipation problem.
7. Best for premature aging.
8. Alleviates pain.
9. Good for constipation and bowel movement.
10.better digestion.

Best time to drink lukewarm water is morning just after you wake up. To reduce weight quickly add sine honey and lemon in a glass of water to decrease free radical activity in the body.
When you drink lukewarm water it increases the tightening of intestines which helps in eliminating waste and toxins from the body.

#better digestion

It helps in eliminating toxins from the body by breaking down the food when taken in the morning. The breaking of food becomes faster so that the digestion becomes good and beings have the digestion system on track.

#Very useful in constipation

Sometimes many of us have faced constipation problem in our lives when we have little or maybe no bowel movement with strain during the elimination with bloating which is because of lack of water. With warm water on an empty stomach in the morning, the bowel system improves and constipation is aided and the body returns to its normal functioning.

#beneficial in pain alleviation

Especially women who have menstruation and headache problem they should a drunk lot of warm water to lower the pain they have during this time. The warm water heat soothes the abdominal muscle and gives instant relief from pain and muscle cramp.

#Lose weight

Works wonder if you also focus on this part of drinking warm water along with diet. After drinking the warm water body temperature increases and it results in an increased metabolic rate which helps the body to burn more calories than usual.

#Increased blood circulation

In our body, the fat gets deposited and in order to remove the fat warm water acts very nice in removing the accumulated fat which gets deposited in our nervous system. Warm water not just melt the fat but it also removes the toxins from the body which circulates in the whole body and responsible for many diseases.

#Worried about premature aging

No one wants premature aging and if we could get a cheap or kinda free solution for it then anyone would like it in the world. So we all know that toxins present in our body are responsible for premature aging effects like dull skin grey hairs, etc by drinking warm water some of these problems can be halted for some more time as the cells repair themselves and their elasticity increases which makes you look younger than your age.