Soak up the sun if you do not want cancer

Maybe at some point in our lives we all had a perception that we should not be going out more in the sun and thought of staying away from the sun but recently a study was conducted which supports spending time soaking up the sun. Research suggests that people who live at high latitudes with having less exposure to sunlight and a consequent lack of vitamin D are at more risk of having cancer, including leukemia which is a kind of blood cancer.

According to the research people who live at higher altitudes are at twice the risk of developing leukemia as compared to the people living in equatorial regions.

One of the professors at University of California, San Diego School of Medicines in the United States has told that these results suggest that much of the burden of leukemia across the World is due to the lack of vitamin D and in the winter the populations distant from the equator.

Countries like Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Canada, Ireland, and the United States are close to the poles and have the highest rate of leukemia whereas the situation is completely different in countries which are closer to the equator like Bolivia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Samoa, etc.

The professor added that "People who live in areas with low solar ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure tend to have low levels of vitamin D metabolites in their blood. These low levels place them at high risk of certain cancers, including leukemia."

We all know that Vitamin D is produced in the body when we are exposed in the sunlight.
The World Health Organization hired an agency called GLOBOCAN for conducting research on this matter and it analyzed the age-adjusted rates if the incidence of leukemia in 172 Countries and then after that, the information was compared with cloud cover data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project.

So the Research has suggested that we should expose ourselves in the sunlight so that vitamin D is produced in our bodies and we are safe from cancer.