Quit multi-tasking and become more productive

Is multi-tasking good or bad?

Wanna be more productive and efficient? then try to focus at one work at a time and reduce the multi-tasking. It is a difficult question that you may have also asked from yourself at-least one time in your life.
Multi-tasking has its own advantages and disadvantages and we have to choose on which side we sand for because not just in personal but also in professional life as time demands multitasking and standalone work which makes it difficult sometimes to think about it and creates the confusion.
Multi-tasking can be a problem sometimes as obviously dilutes attention and focus and sometimes the easiest task also become much harder and takes more time to finish.
According to studies and researches, while you think that you are multitasking, it’s in fact, switching of tasks which definitely depletes your energy resources you to work and it also makes you feel exhausted.
Today the distractions have increased due to smartphones and the Internet. The moment you reach your office and sit on your desk, turn on your computer and immediately get lots of emails and messages and your smartphones beeping with FB, Twitter, email, WhatsApp messages with other distractions from the colleagues in the office. These are all distractions which ultimately makes you do multi-tasking making it difficult to focus on one work with full attention.

How to become more productive and quit multi-tasking?

Take proper rest

When you are not feeling energetic and the brain has less strength to focus even on the small work then you should take enough rest to recharge your energy levels so that you can focus on the work. It includes taking breaks and good night sleep.

Wake up early and plan your day ahead

It is very important to plan in advance what you want to do in a day and accomplish the work on a daily basis and you will see its results in immediate future.

Clean your working area

Clean up your desk and remove those things which distracts you to focus on the work which needs to be done on priority. If you kept many tasks at hand then you won’t be able to focus on the task which has priority.

Always remember not to say Yes every time

You should learn to say no in a polite manner and if it is not possible to say upfront then try to delay it if you do not want to sound rude because when you immediately say yes then it creates problems for you sometime and diverts you from your own task.
You can use phrases like “Already working on some task” or “I will let you know later”.

Laptop or PC notifications distracts you

Try to disable the desktop notifications on your system because they disturb while you are concentrating on some tasks so it is always better to check the notifications after you are finished working until and unless you are expecting something really important.

Anyways there are people who like it being multi-tasker as sometimes time needs you to act as multi-tasker.

Photo by Jordan Finfrock on Unsplash

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