Do you feel angry and frustrated just after you wake up each morning

Feel angry and frustrated just after you wake up each morning? If this is happening to you then the only reason is that you are not able to sleep properly or having quality sleep during the night and there could be many factors which effects your sleep and makes you feel fizzy in the mornings.
When you are young and do not take deep sleep or unable to sleep whole night then also you feel energetic the next day but this whole story changes when you get married and become father because by this time you also starts getting older with more responsibilities and work and if you do not have good sleep at previous night then the whole day is messed up.
So to have slept badly during the previous night’s then it is a right time to make some changes in your routine and not these changes are not only for bedtime only but it is about everything done after we wake up in the morning to going to bed at night.
First change is that try to fix  a wake time in the morning as it will help you a lot to build patterns and plan your day in a better way and this rule is not just for weekdays but also for the weekends. Wondering why so the scientific reason is that our body starts following the pattern we created and thrives for consistency.
When we wake up at the same time, we make our body used to the new pattern and circadian rhythm which is responsible for coordination of hormones and metabolism to sleep and wake.
When we are about wake up our body starts preparing itself around one to two hours before doing so and when we fix a wake up and sleeping timing then it reduces the stress on our body system.
Some changes which can help you to get better sleep
First of all make it a habit to eat good and healthy breakfast daily to calm your brain and feel relaxed and can focus on your work to be done during the day.
Keep your phone away from your bed
Yes because most of us have a habit to keep the alarm on snooze mode to take 5 minute more sleep but we skip several minutes. So instead of using alarm to wake up we use the snooze weapon to get more sleep and feel satisfied that we would be awake in next 5 to 10 minutes.
Take power nap
Taking power is god for mental and physical health but remember that it should not be more 20 minutes because if we take long snap then our body will start going to the deep sleep and it makes us harder to wake up stressing the body system.
Coffee is not for you
Do not go for a mid - day coffee because the cup coffee you have effect about 5 to 6 hours so it is always better to avoid mid- day coffee.
Do some evening Exercise
When you do exercise then body releases hormones which relax your body and mind.
If possible expose yourself to maximum natural outside light because by doing you are matching your body master clock with nature and the light absorbed during the day plays a very important role in sleep cycles. Also if you can expose yourself to bright natural light for about 30 – 60 minutes especially around midday then it is best for the sleep cycle.
Make it a habit to hit the bed at the same time each night because if you will sleep early and at the same time you will get the desired deep sleep which is very beneficial and needed by the body.
Do not keep the alarm clock near your bed
Keeping alarm clock away from the bed will induce you to wake up and stop the alarm also do not use the snooze feature otherwise you will keep extending the bed  time thinking that you can still have some more sleep.
Do not use any gadgets before the bedtime
Make it a habit not to use any gadgets or smartphones before going to sleep at-least 30 minutes before sleep.
Never go for caffeine, chocolates and energy drinks before hitting the bed
It really makes sense to have any caffeine product like chocolates or coffee before sleeping as these foods stimulates the mind effecting the sleep.