Have you become a better person after breakup?

Sometimes, the people who are very much close to us are snatched away by the circumstances and time and we try to hold them the closest and do not want to lose them but they still slip away if they are not meant to. This situation definitely hurts

You never thought of being departed from the closest person in your life and this itself makes you sad as you never wanted them to leave you. When the person has left you stranded and now you do not know where to go from here. But when the time passes you learn the ways of new life but the void remains for a long time and when your heart forgets them then you realize that how much that beak up has changed you and its good for you.

Only you know that how it feels after the breakup and when and trust is broken in the relationship, to be taken for granted and advantage by that person whom you loved the most in your life. Others can only be sympathetic for you and you have to choose your own ways and thoughts because other people will never be able to understand your inner feelings and how terribly hurtful it is. After the breakup, you suddenly realize that at least you will not do this again to someone else or hurt anyone again because this time you already know what it feels like to be on the other side.

Finally, you understand that people are not always what they seem to be and now you know not everything in life does not always end well. Now you do not believe people so easily and have become more careful while entering a new relationship. It has become hard for others to fool you as you have now started to look beyond facades and pretenses.

After a failed relationship you become stronger in life and with experience you are no more naïve in this matter and very well know that there is a huge difference between the one you think is perfect and the one who is right for you. The successful couple who have made it through most problems and hurdles in life and they will tell you that what they thought when they first met and most of them will tell you that they never thought of being in a relationship or fall in love with each other.

A breakup teaches you a lesson of life that never depend on other people for your own happiness because now you will realize that love is not the thing which can replace the emotional stability and self-worth in your life. Love never means needing another person in your life but to be with them.
You have again started to respect yourself and again have the self - esteem which you forget about by making them happy and still do not work out. Now you know that you will not settle on anything less than what you deserve in a relationship. You have made all efforts to save the relationship but now you should move ahead in your life and never ever let anyone walk over you again.