China bans online streaming of banana eating videos

The Chinese authorities have taken a weird decision in which they have banned videos which shows eating bananas because they think that it related to sexual organ. So they banned because they feel that it is too seductive to eat banana and make videos of it. The online streaming of these videos is now completely banned in China.

This is really funny decision of China authorities and now they would be checking whether the live streaming sites are vigilant to ensure none of their output involves in eating banana in erotic manner. But it is still not clear that how would they decide the banana is being eaten in erotic way or not.
This decision was taken in April by the authorities of culture and they announced that they were investigating popular websites amidst concerns they were hosting material that according to them harms social morality.

But despite of their attempt to put a check on these types of sites the number of sites are increasing day by day and also becoming popular in China, particularly those webcam websites which involves young and underage women.

According to News Express Daily the three quarters of users are male and 26% of them are underage of 18.

Several social media platforms have posted this news and were alight amidst about these strange and funny rules. Most of the people on social media platforms have said that it is not possible to impose this ban.

One more thing is that the online video streaming websites may use something else instead of banana then how many things the authorities will ban even this question or suggestion was given to BBC by one of the user. He said that maybe the webcam girls can use cucumbers if not banana.
This is not the first time that the Chinese Government has imposed internet rules and laws on users because this Government under president Xi Jinping s famous for framing most restrictive internet policies in the World.

If the government finds that any social media site or platform is being perceived to be critical about the Government and foreign news sites like the New York Times then these are blocked or deleted.