Girl abducted from outside her house and no one helped

In Bangalore a horrific incident happened with a 22 year old girl who was abducted in front of everyone and no one helped her. She kept screaming but it seems that every body became deaf and blind.

She was picked from just outside of her house and this whole incident was captured by a CCTV camera. 

It can be seen in the visuals of the camera that this incident took place around 10pm on 23rd April and after one week of this incident she filed FIR complaint at the police station.

It is believed that women is from Manipur and was talking on phone on the street outside her paying guest accommodation in south Bengaluru when she was suddenly abducted by the man.
The person who attacked her covered his face with scarf and a cap and took her to a construction site and then tried to rape her. She has also alleged that the man got panicked and ran away when she was screaming and raised an alarm.

Later she approached the local TV channel and told the whole incident to them instead of approaching the police. It is still not clear that why she did not file police complaint before going to the TV channel and why she waited all this time to file a formal complaint.

The police have told that they have taken the CCTV footage and it is sufficient for them to take action against the culprit and they do not have to wait for a complaint. Till now no one has been arrested related to this case and the police is doing its investigation.