Surprising health benefits of jack fruit

Jack-fruit belongs to the mulberry family which has thorny projections on its skin but it is soft and sweet from inside. In India we also make curry of this fruit which is very nutritious. Basically it is found in the South East Asia and its origin is India only but now it largest producer and exporter are Thailand and Vietnam.
It is available in many varieties across countries and continents. It is has got very high fiber content which makes it taste good and a favorite fruit for making jams, candies and cakes with other sweet preparations.
It is very popular among the vegetarians and non- vegetarians because they do not eat meat and its texture looks like mutton and taste best when the unripe fruit is cooked in spices and its seeds can also be eaten as snack after being boiled and fried or baked.
It has almost no fat but on the same hand has got high energy and the taste an preparations make it a delectable fruit that is not too hard to include in the diet.
Its scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus and has huge health benefits

Health benefits of Jack fruit

It has got huge amount of carbohydrates and calorie that provides instant energy. It contains anti-oxidants which are very helpful in protecting from cancer, degenerative diseases and aging.
It is also good for good eyesight and protect from cataract and macular degeneration.

Acts as optimizer for immunity

 It contains vitamin C and other anti-oxidants which strengthen the immunity of the body. It helps in ridding free radicals from the body which increases the immune system function.
If you take it regularly then your immune system will become stronger and you do not have to worry about the common diseases like cold, cough and flu because your body will easily fight with these diseases very easily and jack fruit forms a strong resistance against infections.

     Instant source of Energy

It is a very good fruit which gives you instant energy with high amount of carbohydrates and  calorie but very less amount of fat in it. It contains sugars like fructose and sucrose which are easily digested by our body.

     Good for people suffering from diabetes and strengthen heart muscle

People who already suffer from diabetes and have high sugar levels can have this fruit for their sweet craving they do not have to worry about the glucose levels while having this delicious fruit.
The only thing is if taken on regular bases the person should also start doing some exercise to help the digestion.
It is very good for maintaining blood pressure and cardiovascular health because it has potassium in it which is a very important component that regulates the blood pressure. On an average our body needs 4700 milligrams of potassium in a day.
Also potassium helps in controlling the right amount of sodium in our body and deficiency of potassium can make the sodium levels put of control leading to damage to the heart and the arteries.
Potassium helps in strengthening heart muscles which makes it as an important nutrient for the body.

     Helps in food digestion

If you are having problems with digesting food and then to the next level passing stool then jack fruit is for you because it will help you in digesting food as it contains lots of fiber which convert itself in a roughage which results in adding a bulk to your stool and makes it easy to pass by softening it.
The jack fruit contains two types of fiber one is soluble and the other one is insoluble hence soluble fiber gets digested in our body and gives energy to the body whereas the insoluble fiber becomes part of the stool and just simply passes through the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful for preventing colon cancer and piles

Colon cancer or any type of cancer is very dangerous for our body but this fruit helps you in preventing the colon cancer. One thing to be noted here is that it does cure the colon cancer but only prevent you of having it because the jack fruit has high antioxidants which helps to clean toxins from the colon and keeping it clean and good and healthy shape.
The main cause of piles is constipation which is chronic in nature so the jack fruit prevents constipation because of its high fiber content which acts as roughage and can help in alleviating the symptoms.

Good for eyesight and vision

Jack fruit contains Beta carotene and Lutein Zeaxanthin which convert itself into Vitamin A and its equivalent. We all know that Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for eye health and it acts as an anti- oxidant which improves the vision and protects the eye from free radicals.
It acts as an protects eyes  from the bacterial and viral infections by strengthening the mucous membranes that creates the layer of the cornea.
It saves your eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays emitted from Sun. This component also helps in improving the eyesight in the low light and highly effective in preventing the retina and reduce the risk of cataract and macular degeneration.

Beneficial for skin and ageing

Ageing is a natural process and none can stop this and nowadays aging it is knocking at an early stage because of stress,  pollution, UV radiations and other lifestyle which are unhealthy.
We cannot stop the aging but we at-least reduce the speed of aging with various methods and changes in our lifestyle habits and one of the best option is Jack fruit because it has anti-oxidants which destroys the free radicals which are responsible for aging.
Due to its high level of water content jack fruit t moisturizes the skin an keeps it well hydrated which results in reduction of dryness and the skin shines. The wrinkle line also reduces and makes it look younger and glowing.

very good aid for Asthma

Weak Immunity and increased pollution are two major causes of Asthma and the number people having Asthma disease are increasing every year.
Jack fruit has been proved to be very beneficial to asthma patients as it is also being explored as the possible treatment to cure Asthma and controlling its symptoms.
Its roots can be boiled and then consumed will definitely help you to alleviate the symptoms of asthma.

Ensure good bone health

Jack fruit contains high quantity of calcium in it which is very essential for good bone health and save you from other bone related disease like Arthritis, Osteoporosis.