IS executes 250 womens for not becoming sex slaves

The Islamic State has recently executed 250 innocent girls who refused to become sex slave for them in the Northern Iraq. These girls were ordered to accept the temporary marriages to the terrorists and then murdered, sometimes with their families because of they refused to become the sex slave for them in Iraq's largest city Mosul.

Islamic State started selecting young girls and women’s in Mosul  for getting forceful temporary marriages with the terrorist after thy took control of the Mosul city in Iraq.

Those women’s and girls who refused for this temporary marriage setting were executed as said by the Kurdish Democratic Party spokesperson, Mamuzini.

It is estimated that nearly 250 girls and women’s have already been executed by the Islamic State in the name of Jihad not just that if they are angrier then in those cases they have murdered the families also along with the girls and innocent women’s.

This is again a biggest case of human rights violation in all IS held terrorists by treating the women not as human beings but as the commodities of trade who have no right to say anything or choose their life partners.

Women’s in the Mosul city are not allowed to go alone anywhere and they do not have any right to choose their spouse.

This is not the first time that Islamic State has violated the Human rights but few months back in August IS killed many Mosul women who refused to have sex with the IS fighters

They also kidnapped nearly 500 women in Yazidi and sexually abused them August 2014.

In October, more than 500 Yazidi women and young girls were reportedly abducted by the IS when they stormed the Sinjar region in northern Iraq.

The President of USA, Barack Obama has said on Monday that he expected Mosul to be retaken from the Islamic State terrorist eventually by the end of the year.

Barack Obama said “My expectation is that by the end of the year, we will have created the conditions whereby Mosul will eventually fall."