Eat Salmon during pregancy to avoid asthma in children

Do you know that women who are pregnant and do not want their babies to have an asthma problem then they should eat oily fish like salmon because it greatly reduces the risk of babies developing respiratory diseases?

A new  study was done and the early results have shown that at 6 months of age there no difference found in allergy rate between the children whose mothers ate salmon and those who didn't but at the age of 2 and half years, children whose mothers ate salmon during the pregnancy were less likely to have asthma.

Professor Philip Calder from the University of Southampton in Britain said that according to their findings it was indicated that early nutrition interventions, even during pregnancy, can have long-lasting effects on health.

This study has also proved that fatty acids or lack of them are involved in a broad spectrum of common diseases ranging from diverse allergies through to atherosclerosis and inflammatory conditions.

In this research those women who were in their 19th week of pregnancy and ate salmon twice a week were studied and after that allergy tests were done on the children at 6 months and the 2 to 3 years. The other group of mothers who did not eat salmon during pregnancy was considered for the comparison.

So, it is proved again that eating Fish is good for the pregnant ladies due to its omega fatty acid which is found in good quantities in Salmon Fish.