Why heart Patients should take Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is good for our health and also very essential for absorbing other vitamins and minerals by our body. Its more benefits are proved in research which was conducted for 5 years by a team of few scientists have found that Vitamin D3 can beneficial to patients having chronic heart failure. These findings of the research were presented at the American college of cardiology in its 65th Annual scientific session in Chicago, USA.

In the UK another research was done by the scientists of Leed University who found that by taking a Vitamin D supplement the pumping action of the heart improves in patients who have weak heart muscles. In this research the majority of the patients who were above 75 years and were unable to produce more vitamin D naturally from exposure to sunlight as compared to the younger people. In this research, 160 patients with ongoing treatments for heart failure were studied.

In the study, 8 patients were given Vitamin D for almost a year that means 365 days and amazingly it was found that their function of heart-pumping increased from 26% to 34% and those who did not take Vitamin D supplement had no improvement in heart function. In these cases, patients were given non-calcium based supplements in order to avoid any further complications.

So the conclusion of this study was that people with heart failure or other heart-related problems should be given Vitamin D3 supplements on a regular basis and this may reduce the need for fitting implantable cardiovascular defibrillators in certain patients.

The best natural source of taking Vitamin D is exposure to sunlight and food you can try eggs, dairy products, oily fish like salmon, sardines, calf's liver, and cod liver oil.