4 week baby died because his drunken parents forgot where he was for 24 hours

UK: A weird case happened in Black pool area of UK where parents of one month old baby forgot where they kept him because they were busy in celebrating Christmas and drinking for 24 hours.
In this case the innocent baby named Neil was found wedged between a wall and a bed in his elder brother's room and he was later taken to the hospital where the doctors found that he was already dead.

After the police starting the investigation it was found that how the parents spent their 24 hours before having large quantities of alcohol during their Christmas celebration in a pub and with their friends at their home in Black pool.

His mother is 32 year old told that the last time she remembered attending to him at around 5 am while her husband who is 34 years old remembers that he stayed up with the baby until 6am when their friends left.

His mother has claimed that she was extremely tired and intoxicated and remembered that she tool feddie to bed but could not exactly not say that he came to be in the other room of his brother Alex. In the noon she heard her elder son Alex crying at the staircases and he was not wearing a nappy so put a fresh nappy on Alex and noticed that Feddie was not there in his basket.

Later they found him between the bed and wall of the Alex's room but they are unable to explain how a 4 week old baby got there. They immediately ran to the Black pool Victoria Hospital where the child was declared brought dead.

A pathologist from the hospital also confirmed that the child died because of unsafe sleeping arrangements

The parents have accepted that it was a Christmas time and they had more than they should have but neither of them was inebriated and it is hard for them to believe that a four week baby could to the other room from his basket on his own.

The parents were arrested on suspicion of neglect and manslaughter but were later released without charge in June.