Expecting perfection in behavior

Recently research was done on women’s about the expectations their partners have from them even while they are in bed and having high expectations during sex interesting it was found that men who want perfectionism and setting high standards of performance in the bedroom maybe jeopardize by causing sexual dysfunction in a female partner.

This is very practical that if we have high expectations and want to do everything in a perfect way and when things do not go the way you wanted then there is a disappointment. This behavior of having perfection during sex often leads to a decrease in female sexual function arousal and this finding was also even published in the journal Archives of sexual behavior.

Pursuing perfectionism is good but we should also understand that nobody is perfect in this world. This is the first time that research was done on this topic that how perfectionism in the long-term affects the sex life of people. In this research 366 young women participated and completed this survey in 2013.

It was an online survey that told the participants that an investigation was being done on whether personal and interpersonal expectations and beliefs affect one's sexuality and sexual function.

Men who demand perfection in everything from their female partners suffer

In this survey, four types of sexual perfectionism were identified i.e self-oriented, partner-oriented, partner prescribed and last one as socially prescribed. Shockingly it was found that partner prescribed sexual perfectionism was the major contributor in creating negative sexual self-concept and female sexual dysfunction.

Partner prescribed sexual perfectionism was also predicted as self-esteem and increasing sexual anxiety and this psychological factor creates sexual problems in the woman.