Single Dose Vaccine developed for Dengue

To fight Dengue researchers in United States have developed a vaccine which is very effective in preventing the deadly dengue disease and the best part of this vaccine is that it needs to be given only in single dose.

In dengue the patient have high fever with rash and pain in joints but it may also cause other very serious diseases like hemorrhage and shock in some extreme case death.

In India only dengue affects nearly one lakh people yearly.

The development of vaccines for dengue is very complicated as the disease can be caused by any of four virus stereotypes and the vaccine should be tetravalent which should provide equal protection against all four stereotypes as told by the researchers and according ot the news agency Press Trust of India.

The research was done by the University of Vermont which tested this vaccine against a weakened strain of dengue that causes infection to the volunteers.

In this research it was found that all volunteers were protected from the challenge virus but none of the volunteer’s receiving placebo vaccines were protected.

According to findings published in the journal sciences translational medicine nearly 40% of World's population which means 2.5 billion people is at risk of contracting dengue which is spread by mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical regions of the World which makes this disease a global health concern.