Lazy people are more successful

According to a study it was found that lazy people are more creative, innovative and more successful. All people are lazy and the only difference is that some are lazier and some are lazy to a certain extent only and we have become so much used to it that it is considered as the bad thing and no one likes to be called lazy but recently a research was done on some people and amazing results were found like lazy people achieve huge success in their life.

It can be proved from history also, for example, Charles Darwin was the extremely lazy guy because of his parents and teachers so much effort to make him understand grammar and math at school but he used to sleep most of the time in the middle of the class lesson. He liked fishing and shooting crows to be very much interested in sports when he was in college. Later he spent most of the time in pubs. He took years to write books on science and worked at his own pace.

Winston Churchill is also a good example of a lazy person who achieved a lot of fame and success in his life and not just this he inspired so many people around the World. At school, he showed very poor results and did not even attend college for further studies. He was not even much interested in sports and like to enjoy in a rocking chair but later he became a great politician.

The list is long for the lazy people who achieved so much in their lives and became Worldwide famous because of their achievements with a different approach in life. People like Einstein, Newton, Picasso, Mendeleev and other are among the greatest people we know are few of who were lazy.

Traits of Lazy people


It is been found that lazy people are inventive when it is related to their work as they have a different approach to do their work or to complete their work with the easiest ways and less time consuming activates. Mostly they try to automate and optimize all the repetitive work in their job to save for themselves which forces them to invent new ideas and workings. Secondly, they lose interest in doing the same things again and again or doing monotonous work.

So in order to make their life easier they work on making things less complicated and easily doable.
Entrepreneurial Skills

It is also found that lazy people are very enterprising and have many great projects and ideas in their minds maybe because their minds are not filled with many other thoughts and responsibilities which give them space to think more with cool mind. They are different category thinkers and it is also important for them that the work process is not boring but on the same hand should guarantee the results at the end.

Knows very well when to rest

We all know that to fulfill the big projects a great amount of energy is needed but the lazy people save their maximum energy and are in very much control of themselves for relaxing and exactly know when to relax and do not strain themselves after a line is drawn by them.

People who are always busy in working-age faster and their memory also falls quickly as compared to the lazy people who prefer to rest and relax.

Goal Setting

Lazy people know their goals and know how to prioritize them and focus to achieve. They do not want to follow goals of other people and most of the time they are lazy enough to pay attention on others goals and priorities and simply like to focus on their own goals so that they can spend more time in relaxing and less time in achieving their goals.

Lazy people are clever

One great thing about the lazy people is that they are very clever because it takes lot of efforts to be lazy at work as they always keep finding ways to do nothing for a while but on the same hand they complete all their tasks on time it can also be called as better time management.