Why you should drink coconut water ?

7 Benefits of drinking coconut water

Drinking coconut water is one of the best options in summer if you are outside and feeling dehydrated. Coconut water is delicious and smoothing which instantly makes you feel energetic. It has many health benefits for your body and mind because it is rich in essential nutrients and minerals which supercharge your energy.

We all know that drinking coconut water is beneficial for our health and we should drink it more often to get more benefits from it as compared to any other energy drink. It helps you in many ways like if you are trying to lose weight it is a very good drink which will definitely help you a lot. It also makes your skin glow and makes your digestion better of you have digestive problems. It is a very good remedy for your hangover problem in the morning. It is helpful in reducing your blood pressure.

There are many benefits of drinking coconut water but I have jotted down 8 important benefits of it.

First: Helps in weight loss programme.

The coconut water contains very less amount of fat in it so generous quantities can be taken without having fear of immediately getting those extra pounds. It also suppresses your appetite and makes you feel full because of its rich nature.

Second: Very Good for Skin

When you start drinking coconut water your skin starts glowing and very helpful for the people having the problem of acne skin or another kind of blemishes on the skin. The coconut water should be applied on the surface of the skin to cure the acne and blemishes. It is one of the best natural skin moisturizers if taken orally and also works to eliminate large amounts of oil. Nowadays coconut water is being added in facial shampoos, conditioners and lotions to make them more effective.

Third: Ultimate remedy for Hangover

Had a party and drink last night and the next morning having a hangover so do not worry you can have coconut water to settle your stomach. It will immediately start working on replacing the essential electrolytes that exit from the body after frequent urination and sometimes vomiting. It is one of the best natural electrolytes.

Fourth: Digestion facilitation

Having indigestion and acid reflux problem? Coconut water is very good in aiding digestion because it is very rich in fiber and also soothes your acid problem.

Fifth: Hydration Booster

Fond of energy drinks after your workout? Try the coconut water because it has got ingredients which make it more effective at hydrating the body as compared to other energy and sports drinks. As we know that when we exercise our body loses mineral-rich fluids and if we take coconut water it will work as an excellent replacement of with 294 mg of potassium and 5 mg of natural sugar per glass whereas in most of the artificial energy booster sports drink the potassium is half as compared to coconut water and that will also have artificial sugar in it.

Sixth: Reduces your BP

To reduce your blood pressure you should drink it in the morning each day to balance the electrolytes which in some instances found to be resulting in high blood pressure.

Seventh: Very rich in nutrients

It has got five essential nutrients which are present in the body. These are magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.

So now the question may be arising in your mind that how much you should drink
There is no rule or limit set for drinking it but to maintain a healthy lifestyle you should drink it according to your body need or lifestyle.

Always try to drink green coconut water as compared to the coconuts with a brown shell.