Is there any life or civilization inside Earth?

Do you believe that there is one life inside the earth as according to many claims there is a civilization which exists inside Earth and people who live there are much more advanced than Human civilization?
It seems unrealistic but it may be true as many people have claimed that they have been inside Earth and soon that civilization will reveal themselves to us.
So the concept of Hollow Earth maybe true as our scientists are searching for Aliens outside the Earth first they should check what exactly is there inside the Earth.
The Hollow Earth concept has been in news for decades and many people that the concept is right but the scientific community does believe in this concept.
In many mythologies, a hidden city has been mentioned even in Hinduism also a pataal lok has been mentioned several times which may be true and we do not know whether the people who live inside the Earth would be of good nature or not?  Will they accept the Human race and welcome us?

There are many YouTube videos uploaded by people who have claimed that they have traveled inside the Earth.