Is Pakistan embarrassed on terrorism in Heart of Asia Conference?

Heart of Asia conference was held in Amritsar and it seems that it was very favorable for India and for other participating country Pakistan this was not a pleasant meeting because it became principal target of attack by India and Afghanistan on the issue of terrorism.

In this meeting 14 partner countries took part and more than 30 supporting countries with International Organizations were present.

The Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani hit hard Pakistan, whose country was the co-chair along with India of this edition of HoA IP.

In 2011 November Heart of Asia was launched in order to maintain regional peace, harmony and cooperation and development in Afghanistan. However, peace and stability in Afghanistan is still elusive because the democracy of Afghan is being continuously hit by the terrorist attacks. Afghan soldiers are being killed by the militants and as long as there will be these kinds of attacks Afghanistan cannot grow and have secure development.

In this conference strong action was demanded against terror groups involved in high level terrorist activities in south Asia region – including Pakistan based terrorist groups Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Fighting terrorism was the main agenda of the meeting and it was also meant for reconstruction and stabilization of war – torn Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi urges the International communities to demonstrate strong collective will to defeat terror networks that spread fear and causes bloodshed. Not just this silence against terrorism in Afghanistan will only embolden terrorists and their masters.

The best part of this Heart of Asia conference was when the Afghan President directly asked Pakistan to stop the undeclared war against his country and demanded and Asian or International regime to verify Pakistan sponsor terror operations.