Is Pakistan afraid of Donald Trump?

Donald Trump has become president of Unites States of America and this news has created unrest in Pakistani politician who are now thinking that US will be more favorable to India as compared to them because before elections Donald Trump announced that he will not allow Muslims to enter United Stated and this attitude clearly showed to the World that he is against the terrorist and people of America also needs someone like him who can strong decisions and save the nation.

He is better decision maker as compared to Hillary Clinton and because of this decision people have made him the president and also due to his blunt nature.

Till now nothing concrete has been thought about the South Asia policy of United States as he has just become the President but one thing he is sure of is that he do not want terrorist to take over the nuclear weapons of Pakistan as he has told he will deploy 10,000 US soldiers in Afghanistan which share border with Pakistan so that militants do not takeover Pakistan and their nuclear weapons otherwise they will be danger for the whole world.

Even some Pakistani diplomat have also clearly told to the Newspapers that they are afraid that Trump would be more favorable towards India as few days back some new business proposals were done between India and United States.

For tension between India and Pakistan Donald Trump told that he could mediate between the two nations and both countries should work towards making their relations better and establish peace.

But the main thing is that it is okay that US will favor India then why are they worried about this fact because India is not a terrorist nation and only working on business background with US.

Still US officials in Pakistan have reassured Pakistani Government that Donald Trump would not do any harm to them because foreign policies do not change even if a new president is selected.