Eating Chocolates daily can lower risk of Diabetes and Heart diseases

You like eating chocolates? Then here is good news for the chocolate lovers which say that if you eat chocolates daily then it may lower risk of diabetes and heart related diseases
So according to a new study if you have chocolate in small amount then it is good for your heart and sugar.

Often we perceive chocolate as a treat which should be enjoyed only sometimes when you like it but according to a research if taken on daily basis it has some great benefits which are healthy for you especially when we talk about the dark chocolates because dark chocolates are known to have highest cocoa content in them an it means it contains highest levels of antioxidants like flavonoids which are molecules that can prevent some forms of cell damage.

However, it is recommended that chocolates should be consumed moderately because over consumption can lead to some health problems like tooth decay and you may also start becoming obese.

A study was done by professor Stranges and his colleagues who analysed the consumption of chocolate on 1153 participants aged 18 to 69 in Luxembourg.

The data gathered from the research study was analysed to find out whether chocolate intake is associated with insulin resistance, where the cells of body do not effectively respond to insulin, raising the risk of type 2 diabetes and other heart diseases. In this study it was also analysed whether the chocolate consumption also affects the liver enzyme levels, which is a measure of liver function.

In the research it was also found that 81.8 percent of the people who participated in the research consumed 24.8 gram a day and then they were compared with those participants who did not consumed chocolates daily and amazingly it was found that those who consumed chocolate daily were insulin resistance and improved liver enzyme levels. These effects were stronger in those participants who consumed more chocolates.

Interestingly people who ate chocolates daily were more energetic, physically active and younger as compared to those who did not eat chocolates as said by the authors.