Studies says vegetarians are more intelligent and empathetic

People who have always been asking from you that whether you are vegetarian or not and if you vegetarian and sitting among those who are mostly non vegetarian then the situation becomes bit awkward because the way they ask from you seems to be like if there is something really wrong with you but not to worry about this problem because science says that if you are vegetarian then it means you are more intelligent and empathetic.

Yes its true and now science has also proved this fact that people who do not eat meat are more intelligent so it is your choice that if you want to be vegetarian or not and there is nothing wrong being a vegetarian. Stop being annoyed by such comments of the non-veggies and let it go.

Recent studies have clearly found that individuals with higher intelligence are more likely to become vegetarians. In these studies 11 different cognitive tests at 3 pre 16 ages researchers have found people who choose meatless diets are more intelligent than the people who are non-vegetarians.
A UK Development Study was done and among the respondents who were vegetarians at the age of 42 had significantly higher general childhood intelligence as compared to those who were not vegetarians at the same age. Women who did not eat meat have a mean childhood IQ of 108.0 as compared to those who ate meat have a mean childhood IQ of 100.7. Males who ate meat have a mean childhood IQ of 101.1, whereas men who choose vegetarianism have a mean childhood IQ of 111.0, so there is a difference of 10 points in IQ which is a very significant difference.

According to another scientific theory of Savana IQ Interaction Hypothesis, there is a correlation between vegetarian diet and higher intelligence. Satoshi Kanzawa is an evolutionary psychologist, told that the ability to change personal habits in reply to changes in the world is strongest in people with higher empathy and intelligence levels and there is a link between a person's ability to easily adapt their habits to “evolutionary novels" and higher IQ. Also intelligent people cope easily with situations that did not exist in the ancestral environment. While our ancestors had to face constant food scarcity we often have to face different problems which are in abundance. Hence, the intelligent people are more likely to make wiser choices about what they eat by considering the fact that what is good for their health and animal welfare issues.

Interestingly, vegetarians have also found that they do not require any animal meat to have balanced diet and maintain their physical and mental health. According to another research conducted by the Harvard University, it was fond that vegetarians can get enough protein from vegetarian foods and non-meat foods like whole grains, vegetables, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits and other products like soy, milk. It is also noted in the study that a well-balanced vegetarian diet can have twice the amount of protein we need and there is no need to achieve it from meat.

Recently one more study was conducted and published by the British Medical Journal and according to this study vegetarian diet consisting of fruits and vegetables can even boost brain power and at the same time it also helps in fighting some dangerous diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart problems, obesity.