22 Year Old woman patient raped inside hospital

Now days it seems that women’s are not safe anywhere as a recent has come up from a hospital where a ward boy raped a 22 year old woman who was a patient in the hospital. She was undergoing treatment for depression and was allegedly forced into an empty room where she was gagged to ensure that she do not scream for help and then raped by two employees of the hospital on  late Monday. This horrific incident happened in SHKM Government Medical College in Mewat of Haryana district which is close to Gurgaon.

Till now one of the suspects has been identified as the ward boy and the other a security guard but police have not arrested them.

The woman was admitted in ward number 7 on the fifth floor of the hospital when the ward boy called her out around 11:30 pm, as told by the police.

When she came out of the ward and started moving towards the lounges, where her relatives were staying, the ward boy grabbed her and took her forcefully inside a empty room. There was one guard who had stationed himself near the room to see that no one enters that room and later gagged her before they raped her.

The police told that they would have continued the assault but they received a call from the hospital after 1 am because the brother in law of the woman who was staying in the lounge had come to check on her and found her stole lying outside the room along the passage. He raised an alarm, the ward boy and guard fled from the room.

According to the police they have identified the ward boy, who was a private staffer and was working on contract at the hospital. Several raids have been conducted by the police to catch them and meanwhile they have been booked under charges of rape and criminal conspiracy.

The woman was a mother of three who lives in Mewat area of Haryana and was admitted to the hospital on 2nd June. She has given her statement to the police in which she told that when she was sleeping in the female general ward a ward boy woke her up, saying her son who was staying with her brother in law and sister in the lounge was crying and her relatives were calling her to pacify the child.

The director of Hospital, Dr Sansarchand Sharma has said that this is a shocking and unacceptable incident. They will terminate the services of the accused and fully cooperate in the investigation.