How to make your partner feel special and very happy

The honeymoon period is over and now you are going ahead with your married life or you may be in a relationship and things have become mundane, also you are looking for something exciting or just want to revive your love life once again and never want to fade the special moments. Initial excitement in the relationship is very different and to revive that you should start doing something but what to do because with each passing day the excitement of meeting each other fades and then the real relationship comes into picture.

It is true which we all know but most of the times we do not accept it because the mundane does take over the romance that too in the long term relationship.

Things which will help you in reviving the relationship and makes your partner feel special again

1. First thing you can do is switch off from the rest of the world and try to spend the whole day in bed. Do not use phones and Internet. Talk to your partner and share your feelings and thoughts which you were unable to say for some time. It will really help you a-lot and will make your partner feel that she or he has the same space in your heart as it was before.

2. Feeling bored at work then do not think of anything else and call your partner and tell him or her that you are missing them. If possible meet them by taking a leave from your boss maybe by just telling him any reason that there is a personal emergency at home or something else to take a day off. Just remember how you used to bunk your college or school classes.

3. Something is cooking? Cook something special for your partner it will definitely lift up the mood and if possible try your hands on something exotic for which you can also take help from your partner it will be fun to cook together and it would be great if it is a fancy meal. You can also let others know later that what you cooked for your partner.

4. Take a short break and go somewhere out of home or any place which your partner likes but try to go alone and do not take other people with you. Check out the new restaurant or any new pub, movie, concert, match, nice place, long drive.

5. Write a letter; It is been a long time that you have not wrote on paper or any letter to your loved one the its time to write a lovely letter and share your feelings in that with your partner. Anyways it is a dying art and now it is a digital age but we cannot deny that when we read something on a paper written by someone then it makes an impact of personal feeling and you can easily write down how you feel about your partner and how lucky you feel to have them in your life. It will really be an exciting moment for your partner when she will read the handwritten thoughts of yours. It does not matter whether you are a great writer or not but the only thing which matters is that you took out sometime and put your efforts in writing something special for the partner.

6. Talk to your partner; Take out some time to talk with your partner and have a heart to heart conversation with them and let them know where they are headed in your life, what they want to do and what their dreams are. Sometimes we are so busy that we neglect the most important person in our life. Open up with your partner and also let them share their feelings with you no matter what pressure we are facing our lives due to financial stress or any other personal traumas. Try to become their motivation and if needed try to give a push which they need, help them achieve what they want to do and realize their dreams all it takes is one good conversation. Be the supporting pillar for them!