Weird decision of Nitish Government over fire brokeout

The Nitish Kumar Government in Bihar has found a weird solution for fires in Bihar which killed 66 people and 1200 animals in the past two weeks. The State Government has clearly asked the people not to cook food from 9am to 6 pm otherwise they will be penalized and also jailed if anyone found cooking food.

The State Government of Bihar has come up with this solution which clearly shows that they are unable to do anything in these types of incidences and how helpless they are in saving lives of people in the State.

In this scotching heated summer this decision of the Government is not welcomed by the people and it seems that they are doing injustice and hiding their weakness of supporting people and curbing the fire.

Even cooking at religious functions involving fire is banned.

The Government of Nitish Kumar has given a logic that due to heavy winds sparks are picked up from cooking which ignites the huts made up of straws.

Two days back a similar incident of fire took place in Begusarai district where nearly 300 huts were  burnt. The Government is right when it said that several lives are risk but the order which it has given is not right instead they should have given some preventive measures including the availability of fire brigades in the areas which mostly consists of huts made of straws.

In this order is someone is found burning fire for cooking food will be jailed on a law on disaster management as told by the Government official of Bihar and in-charge of handling disasters.

It is very clear from the order that the Government is not in a mood to think about how people will cook food in between and they should die of hunger instead of fire. The Government has been unable to support the lower level people to provide the subsidized gas connections or any other mode of cooking food like 24 hours electricity so that if needed they can cook food on heaters or induction stoves.

One of the villager who lost his hut due to fire told that he founds the decision fine but he is also concerned that how many people will follow it because practically it is very difficult.