Pakistani spy agency admit to have tapped over 7000 phones in the court

Pakistani spy agency admit to have tapped over 7000 phones in the court

Pakistan: the spy agency ISI of Pakistan has confirmed to the court that they had tapped over 7000 phones in the May month and more in April.

On Wednesday this information was given to the high court during a hearing of an old case regarding the powers of the ISI agency to tap telephones.

Deputy attorney general said Ilyas Bhatti provided a sealed envelope in the court contains this information about the phone tapping.

The court checked the documents and found that it contains the count of tapped phones but did not have information about the people whose phones were tapped by the agency.

A bench headed by justice Moan Sqib Nisar, heard this 19 year old suo motu case which was kjitited hybthr former chief justice Sajjad Ali Shah in 1996. He took this case after he found that a device WS attached with his telephone by some spy agency.

Justice Sqib noticed that this matter was pending for long time almost 19years and that even phones of judges and chief justices were tapped during that period.

The court also asked the agency to provide the data about the total number of phones tapped and also to explain that under which law these were being recorded.

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