People showering new Indian currency on folk singers in Navsari

Can you believe it when an entire nation is finding it difficult to withdraw money from the Banks and ATMs there are people who are having entire lot of new currency with them and they are not afraid of anyone?

Recently a video clip was played on the national news channels in which it can clearly be seen that there are some Gujarati folk singers performing and people were so much happy with them that they started showering new currency notes on them and according to reports the total showered money is around Rs 40 lakhs. These Singers were performing in Navsari district of Gujarat.

In this video lower denomination currency was used for showering on folk singers and the event organizers have even claimed that the accumulated money will be used for social purpose and not for any personal use by the singers.

This show was organized by the Shri Gurjar Kshatriya Kadia Samaj where Rs 10 and Rs 20 notes were showered on Gujarati folk singers, Farida Mir and Mayabai Ahir.

Let us hope that the Government will intervene in these kinds of shows as on one hand Government is asking people to become cash less and on other hand doing nothing to curb these kinds of incidences which sprinkle salt on wound of the public.

If the money will be used for social work then there is no problem as somebody who is poor will be benefited from it. But if it will not be used for social work then what? Please let us know your thought and views with your comments.