Turkish President says women without children is deficient and incomplete

Turkish President Recep Tayyrip Erdogan has made a controversial statement about the women who cannot give birth to children or those women who are childless. He said that women’s life without children is incomplete they are deficient if unable to reproduce.

Earlier also he has made many comments about the women and he has been urging them to increase the population of Turkey which has already risen exponentially in the last year.
He also said that he was a strong supporter of women having careers but he emphasized that this should not be an obstacle to having children.

He gave a speech on Sunday marking the opening of the new building of Turkey's women's and Democracy Association where he said “Rejecting motherhood means giving up on humanity. I would recommend having at least three children. The fact that a woman is attached to her professional life should not prevent her from being a mother.”

He told that Turkey has already taken steps which are important steps to support the working mothers. It also clarified that family planning and contraception were not for Muslim families, prompting fury among women's activists.

He thinks that if a woman who believes that she is working and because of this reason she does not want to become a mother or cannot become a mother then she is denying her feminity.

He said, “A women who reject motherhood, who refrains from being around the house, however successful her working life is, is deficient, and is incomplete.”

Turkey's population rose to 78.41 million last year with a growth rate of around 1.3% as compared to the population in 2000 which was 68 million.

He wants the population to grow fast and is of the opinion that Turkey was a country with great goals and to achieve them every member of the nation should be mobilized.

He thinks that strong families lead to great nations. The president Erdogan has two daughters and two sons with his wife Emine.