How to find out whether she is interested in you?

She may be giving some signs which you should notice and try to find out that whether she is really interested in you or not but usually below are some points which show that she likes you and maybe wants to be in a relationship with you.
So let’s see the signs, gestures, behavior which women make to show that she is interested in you. She may do these things intentionally or sometimes unintentionally. It totally depends on the condition and environments both of you are in.
1. She may feel super awkward when she is in front of you or her hands get fidgety and suddenly she starts playing with her hair or mobile phone. She may also give faint hint of blushing, when you look at her.
2. It is not obvious but she must be fighting with you a lot. And yet, she never leaves you and finds some ways to remain around you. She makes nasty jokes on you, especially on your face. You must be thinking if she is doing all these things then how come she likes but in most of the cases t has been found that they behave in this manner in order to hide their true feelings.
3. Whenever you are around and say something then she is the first one who always try to answer or respond. She gives more importance to you more than anyone else.
4. You start noticing that she gets hurts over reasons which you do not even understand or maybe things which you do not even remember. It is because she expects the same love in return but she cannot say it loud but you have to understand it.
5. She likes you the most and gives too much importance to what you say or think about her. It does not matter what other think or say about her, she only cares about you and your thoughts about her. Sometimes if you say something about her and she does not like that then in that case she will do everything to prove herself because she wants you to think the best about her and she keep on trying to change your opinion about her.
6. She gets more involved in your life and you may notice that even your best would not know that much about you. She likes to know everything about you right from the personal life to professional life, your relationships with parents and girls with whom you have gone on date, etc.
7. She may send you some text messages and later claims that she has sent them mistakenly. She just wants to start a conversation with you maybe in the middle of the night.
8. She is the only one who will always laugh at your lamest jokes when nobody appreciates you at that time.
9. She is trying to get your attention by doing everything she could do and possible for her and sometimes not possible for her. Maybe you are in a party and the whole group of friends but she will move out alone for a short walk just to let you know that she wants to be with you only or she will sit alone in the party to let you know that she is feeling sad. Maybe on one random day she will not take your calls or will ditch plans unexpectedly.
10. She behaves differently while chatting with on messenger or text messages, she may start flirting with you on Facebook or WhatsApp but she talks to you normally like any other friend when you meet it  is because she never gets a courage to flirt with you when you meet in person.
11. She feels jealous and even show some signs of jealousy when you talk to some other girls. She may get mad at you for giving another girl attention.