In Pakistan Husbands can legally beat their wife if they disobey

In Pakistan a controversial recommendation was made by a State affiliated Islamic body in its so called women protection bill which states husbands in Pakistan can lightly beat their wives if they disobey.

This is really weird recommendation which is given by the Islamic body and that too under women protection bill. This body is called CII (The council of Islamic ideology) and it has constitutional status in Pakistan which also gives non- binding proposals to the Parliament to make laws according to Islam.

This controversial bill was prepared after the CII rejected Punjab’s protection of women against violence Act 2015 as un- Islamic.

The conditions of women in Pakistan and not of the other Muslim countries are not good because this is not the first time this kind of controversial recommendations are made against them but earlier also so many fatwas and recommendations are made specially for women’s. 

There are several bans on women and according to Express Tribune the 163 page draft bill proposed several bans on women. In this case PPWA, passed the Punjab assembly, gives the legal protection to women from domestic psychological and sexual violence and calls for the creation of a toll- free abuse reporting hot line and also the establishment of women shelter and now the CII will forward its proposed bill to the Punjab Assembly.

According to the bill a husband should be allowed to lightly beat his wife if she defies his commands, refuses to dress up as per his wishes and turns down demand of physical contact.

It is also suggested in the bill that if a women refuses to wear hijab, interacts with strangers, speaks loud or give money to people without taking consent of her husband.

It was further recommended that co-education should be banned after primary education, women cannot take part in military combat, and they cannot welcome foreign delegations, cannot interact with males and make recreational visits with strangers.

Even in hospitals female nurses cannot take care of male patients and women should also be banned from working in advertisements.

Woman’s cannot abort their child after 120 days of conceiving and should be declared murder.
However, women are allowed to take part in politics and contract a Nikah without taking permission from their parents.

In case if a woman is not Muslim and forced to convert, then the oppressor will be awarded 3 years imprisonment while the woman will not be murdered if she reverts to her previous faith.