What to do when feeling low

We all feel low sometime in our lives and some people have this feeling for quite long and do not know what to do next to overcome this situation and again start feeling up to the life and rejuvenate your energy to do something with more energy and life in it.

Usually, this happens when we come across a situation which does not go well as we expected or things happening around us which we do not want to happen or some results which impacts you in a negative manner.

We have only one life to live and we should do whatever we want to do. I know it is always not possible to do things that we always wanted to do but still, we can give it a try and start working towards our goals and have our full faith in achieving success.

So, first of all, make a goal in your life, whether it is related to professional or personal it will definitely make sense as the only problem I have found is that most of us have already spent so much of our lives in doing things which other people are doing and successful are only those people who had goals in their lives so it’s advisable to set a goal of your life which you definitely wants to achieve let me give you an example of my life till my graduation I had no goal or did not know what  wanted to do in my life as I was just studying a going along with the flow someone told me to do schooling from science and i did it then someone suggested to opt for commerce in graduation i did that too later I completed my MBA in Finance and marketing and I did it but now I am not doing the job in any of those fields so my professional life is completely different and again I am going with the flow and working for salary to support my family.

When i was in school is asked from other students what they wanted to do after completing schooling and i hardly find few student who had clear thoughts about what they wanted to do in their lives and others told that they will do what their parent will tell them or will go ahead according to the stream of education they have opted for but did not find anyone who had a clear thought of what they would like to become in their lives. So i advise you to make goals in your early life so that you start working towards achieving them otherwise the more time you will take to set them the more time it will take to accomplish them and make your feel satisfied and motivated.

In some situations you feel low and for these small time situations here are few things which you can do to overcome them.

Feeling depressed

Go and reach out someone do not sit alone keep on thinking about something again and again. Start sharing your thoughts with someone and do not get bothered that how will the other person will judge you or will make fun of you.

If you are not comfortable of sharing your feelings with some person you can write them on papers or maybe you can write a blog so that you can share them the whole world and get response from them. It will really help you a lot.

Listen to music

Listening to your favorite music will lift up your mood and for some time you will be able to forget about the situation or person. The only thing you should not do is that DO NOT LISTEN SAD MUSIC otherwise you will again start feeling sad and alone. So just come out of the situation and start with new point.

Play with your pets

Yes playing and spending time with pet will keep you engage in activity and make you feel better and sooth your soul and mind.

Drink something good healthy and reinvigorating

You can drink fresh fruit juice or anything other than alcohol which would be healthy for you and lift up your mood for a while. you can chose for and orange juice with some ice cubes in it.

Go for a light walk

Doing light exercise also lift up your mood. You can grab a good headphone for listening some soothing or devotional music while walking and if possible go to some park or a place where greenery is there as greenery also has very good effect on your mind.

Recharge your batteries with good sleep

You can sleep for a while to give some peace to your mind and body to feel better.

Plan a fun activity

If possible call your friends or any family members to have some fun activities with them. By doing so you will be able to make your relationship stronger and it will also kill your negative thinking and time.

Check out old photos

Go through your old photos and videos and think about the good memories you had to put that smile back on your face.

Watch funny movies

Try out some funny movies or any movies which make you feel happy and good for releasing tension built up in your mind and muscles because laughing is the best natural medical healer.