Why do Womens hide their pregnancy in first three months?

Most of the woman who finds out that they are pregnant does not want to share this good news to the world for at least three initial months of their pregnancy. Ever wondered why this strange behaviour?
In India and some other parts in the world pregnant woman thinks that if they will reveal their pregnancy before completing 3 months it will invite the invite the evil forces around.

In the minds of Indian woman’s the thought is there that the evil forces will affect them with negative energy that is emitted by outsiders and it may become the cause of creating unhappiness for the new start, jealousy or maybe sometimes other women are facing difficulty in getting pregnant.
Even the doctors also advise their patient to hide their pregnancy until the first trimester. Maybe because the chances of miscarriage are high in this period and if the woman will announce the news and miscarriage will happen it may disturb her mentally and upset her.

So, most of the woman hides their pregnancy either because of the superstition of negativity or advice of the doctor.

There are various other superstitions related to the pregnancy like whether the child would be boy or a girl which is shocking.

Some people also thinks that if a woman hides her pregnancy her child would be deaf or powerless or will be born with some other disabilities which is obviously not true and merely a superstition.
One of the superstitions about the girl child is that if the pregnant lady feels difficult in the left side of her boy then it is a girl, if she is happy, if she usually listen to music and also sings, if she likes to watch the dance.

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