A 14 year old girl was arrested by the police for the reason of making flower drawing

Hong Kong: A 14 year old girl was arrested by the police for the reason of making flower drawing on the wall from chalk at the democracy protest site “Lennon Wall”and she will be allowed to stay with her family.

After she was caught by the authorities she was sent to the children’s home and authorities had been seeking a “care and protection’ order for the teenage. Later she was allowed to return to her father on bail and under curfew.

Magistrate Winnie Lau said "After considering the facts and based on suggestions made by social workers, there is no need to make such an order now,"

A student leader Alex Chow was also detained by the police and later released said that she cannot think of any reason for the arrests other than creating white terror or a politically motivated one.
There are other leading figures who were also asked to come to the police station this week and it includes media tycoon Jimmy Lai.